Privacy Policy

We at Vikas Technologies are always endeavoring to give brilliant administration to you, our clients and colleagues, while building an enduring association with you. To accomplish these objectives, we at times require data about you when you visit our site. This policy covers how Vikas Technologies gathers, utilizes and ensures the data it assembles through your utilization of the HTechSoft Web destinations and regarding disconnected correspondences. In particular, Vikas Technologies may gather this data from disconnected and online enlistments and structures, interchanges and collaborations, and deals request and exchanges. HTechSoft likewise may utilize outsider sources, for example, pick in records. Regardless of how Vikas Technologies comes to have your data, we need you to realize that it regards the security of your data and that you ought to know about how we handle it. Our Commitment to Your Privacy Vikas Technologies does not:

• Sell the names and addresses of our clients and additionally site clients to outside merchants. Vikas Technologies does:

• Safeguard clients' data from unapproved get to.

• Collect, keep up and utilize client data as important to give the most accommodating and focused on items and administrations to address clients' issues (e.g. client care or new items or administrations).

• Honor clients' solicitations to expel their names from our phone or mail sales records in a convenient way. • Maintain privacy of client data when undertaking ventures with different organizations.